The Panasonic Viera Tc-L47E50 47-Inch. The reviews on this TV are quite mixed, some people are saying that it’s great and they love the HDMI because it has great picture quality, they also seem to enjoy the Internet capability. Also on the other hand, some people on here complain about some spectral lines coming across the screen. Apparently this guy had an issue with spectral lines across the screen so he had to call down and report it, but they were not necessarily responding so he called the Better Business Bureau and eventually ended up getting a newer TV still a Panasonic but an upgraded version of this one. Apparently it has great web enabled apps you also seem to be able to insert a SD card and view photos and videos as well. I’m seeing reviews that say it has very good picture quality with some tweaking. Also there are reviews that are saying it has bright picture and that it’s not very reflective. There are some reviews coming in saying that it’s a great value and that it’s also a pretty thin TV. You also can use your Iphone or your android for a remote. As a bonus there is four HDMI inputs, and I keep hearing that it has a very attractive design as well. So the review board is mixed, like if you’re in extreme stickler on your TVs maybe you might have some issues with this product, but if you’re just an average Joe looking for a good quality TV then this is definitely something for you to look for especially for the price. The twitter app is getting great reviews people like hash tagging while watching some of their favorite programs just to see what other people are saying about the programs. Overall the reviews seem to be more tipped over to the light side, there are definitely a few considerable complaints but realistically the majority of the reviews are positive so I would say a definite good bye. One person mentioned that he should have not had the TV in his room because the quality of it just makes you want to lounge around all day. Apparently it works well with Amazon instant video. I would defiantly check it out, it seems like while they were manufacturing this product they may have messed up a few models but seems like the majority of the models of this TV out there work pretty well. Overall i’m going to give the Panasonic VIERA TC-L47E50 47-Inch 1080p 120Hz Full
HD IPS LED-LCD TV a 7 out of 10.
Posted on 4:07 PM
Levon West Mixxin